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Mind, Body & Soul

           "What you think, you become.

                                         What you feel, you attract.

                                                                What you imagine, you create." 

                                                                                             - Gautama Buddha

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Meditation & Mindfulness

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention & awareness, & achieve a mentally clear & emotionally calm & stable state.


Today's world has been one in which we are expected to do twenty things at once, achieve the next level, push ourselves to our limit & then find a higher limit. Last year, we were forced to slow down - to take a step back. Through the heartache & our normal no longer being our normal, I found myself turning to meditation in order to get through the day & help me find peace.  Even though some archaeologists date meditation back as early as 5,000 BCE (according to Psychology Today), this was new to me. Thankfully, there are a number of apps you can download (Headspace, Calm) or my personal favorite is former Monk, purpose coach & author, Jay Shetty. In the beginning, it was difficult to focus, keep my mind from thinking of the many thoughts in my brain, but I learned to take my time & be gentle with myself.  As the days & weeks went on, I became more consistent with my meditations - trying to meditate 

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every morning before I started my day or at night before going to bed. I found a sense of calm. I found breathing techniques that I'm able to use when stress tries to take

over & I found an inner peace that I'm truly thankful for. 


Meditation doesn't have to be the perfect spot on the beach or on the top of a mountain that we see in many pictures. It can be in a corner of your room, a closet turned into a special space just for you or even while you're sitting in your bed in your pajamas.  It allows you to picture the perfect beach or mountaintop in your mind while creating an inner peace within your soul. The practice of meditation has been known to reduce stress, reduce feelings of anxiety, promote emotional health, improve sleep, & reduce pain along with providing a sense of calm & balance. 


Candles, comfy pillows & aromatherapy mists can create a soothing space while meditating. Now more than ever, self care is very important. It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.  And, it's not selfish - it's selfless which in turn makes us better humans to those around us. 



Mindfulness is learning how to be fully present & engaged in the moment - being aware of your thoughts & feelings without any distraction or judgment.

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